St. Ignatius
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Malone, Texas
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A Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America
The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA) is a Christian fellowship body that is committed to upholding historical Christian orthodoxy and the faithful teaching and practice of it. In every aspect of the Church we strive to observe all that Jesus Christ has commanded; and we firmly maintain that the Lutheran Confessions are a faithful and invaluable exposition of God's holy teachings.
With the Augsburg Confession our churches declare, "Of Ecclesiastical Order, they teach, that no one should publicly teach in the Church or administer the Sacraments, unless he be regularly called" (Article XIV). It is of critical importance that no one imagine he can take up the ministry by himself; Christ Jesus established the holy office, and He calls men through His Church to serve in that office. For this reason, our pastors and the congregations they serve have worked together to establish the groundwork for the St. Ignatius Seminary.
Candidates for the office of the ministry will be instructed by the pastors of our fellowship. Our parish pastors bring their individual talents to the various aspects of seminary instruction, as well as providing constant example of the work that a called servant of the Word does for the congregation of the saints. This arrangement also allows for many of our pastors to examine the faithfulness of the men with whom they may be working in the holy office.
Throughout the
three years of instruction, seminarians will receive a thorough
education in Greek, the study of the Scriptures, and biblical doctrine (especially as set forth
in the confessional documents of the Book of Concord). Seminarians will
also learn the history of the Church, and will be taught historic
Lutheran practice with regard to the conduct of the Divine Service, catechesis, and other aspects of the calling of the pastoral office.
At present, Christian orthodoxy is found primarily in small congregations that are typically unable to offer large salaries to their shepherds. Many confessional Lutheran pastors earn very humble wages from their parishes and work for secondary sources of income in order to provide for their families. Understanding this reality, we consider it unfaithful to burden the men who would study for the ministry with large educational expenses. We have created a financial structure for St. Ignatius that is very reasonable, and it encourages men to be faithful stewards by keeping seminary fees low and in proper proportion to the incomes that are earned by confessional Lutheran pastors.
It is with
great joy and thanks to God that we are able to announce that St.
Ignatius Lutheran Theological Seminary is beginning our fourth year of training men to serve in the Office of the Holy Ministry on 8 September 2020! Please join us for Vespers at 7:00 on 6 September at Salem Lutheran Church in Malone, Texas as we prepare for the academic year with the Word of God and prayer.
Potential students and other inquiries may be directed to
the bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America:
Bishop James Heiser
c/o Salem Lutheran Church
718 HCR 3424 E
Malone, Texas 76660
(254) 602-2018
If you would like to support St. Ignatius Seminary financially:
ELDoNA Seminary Support
c/o Trinity Lutheran Church
1000 North Park Ave.
Herrin, Illinois 62948
(618) 942-3401