Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession



Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church,
UAC, is a caring family of believers committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in its purity and truth in accord with Holy Scripture and its faithful exhibition in the Confessions of the Holy Christian Church found in the Book of Concord of 1580.

Holy Trinity is a parish that spans the entire Northwestern quarter of Arkansas!

  1. In North Central Arkansas, we receive God’s gifts in the Divine Service at our Harrison location at 9:30 AM every Sunday (with Bible classes and Sunday School for all ages at 8:30 AM).

  2. Our Central Arkansas location, in Conway, meets at 10:30 PM each 2nd and 4th Saturday for the Divine Service.

  3. In Northwest Arkansas, the Gospel and Sacraments are received each 2nd and 4th Sunday at 1:00 PM.

Services are also scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursdays during Advent and Lent, as well as for other fectivals of the Church Year. (For up-to-date details, see our Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 2612, Harrison, AR 72602, and our phone number is (870) 577-0742


Comments or Questions?

Send a note to the pastor of Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church, UAC.

Our home page is gold and white to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection! Christ is risen indeed!