Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession
Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession
Holy Trinity is a parish that spans the entire Northwestern quarter of Arkansas!
✤In North Central Arkansas, we receive God’s gifts in the Divine Service at our Harrison location at 9:30 AM every Sunday (with Bible classes and Sunday School for all ages at 8:30 AM).
✤Our Central Arkansas location, in Conway, meets at 10:30 PM each 2nd and 4th Saturday for the Divine Service.
✤In Northwest Arkansas, the Gospel and Sacraments are received each 2nd and 4th Sunday at 1:00 PM.
Services are also scheduled for 6:30 PM on Thursdays during Advent and Lent, as well as for other fectivals of the Church Year. (For up-to-date details, see our Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 2612, Harrison, AR 72602, and our phone number is (870) 577-0742
Comments or Questions?
Send a note to the pastor of Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church, UAC.
Our home page is gold and white to celebrate our Lord’s resurrection! Christ is risen indeed!